This book gives the complete information about Management Information System its Introduction, Effective Establishments, Outputs, Formats. Various types, value of Information System, Strategic Management Information is given in the Book.
Management needs information for decision making and for:
– Activity forecasting
– Monitoring Performance
– Customer satisfaction
– Setting revenue goals
– Market penetration
– Cost, etc.
The senior /top management needs to know happenings in the company. However they should not be overburdened with too much operational and transactional data. The data should be processed into information i.e. analysis, summary, and exception reporting. The bottom line is that the information systems should enable them to implement, control, and monitor plans, strategies, tactics, new products, new business models or new business ventures. The reporting should be made periodically. They should, however, be alerted immediately when significant events occur.
The Book contains detailed requirements of MIS Department in general and a reference to relevant formats for ease of understanding of the subject. The underlying MIS principles would be applicable and relevant for any manufacturing organization irrespective of scale. Formats have been designed in such a way to report the required information for the management for decision making. The said MIS
formats may be modified according to the business needs.