Company Director’s (and Key Managerial Persons’) Compliance Manual


Code No.: GB 29 Categories: ,

The Directors are also exposed to the risk of litigation from third parties and shareholders.

Time has come for directors to understand their responsibilities and to equip themselves in a better way, so that they are in a position to discharge their duties with utmost care and caution.

The present book is mainly based on the provisions contained in the Companies Act, 2013. It will also work as a ready reckoner for Board of Directors and Managing Director in protecting the interest of shareholders and other investors on the one hand and ensuring corporate governance in terms of compliance of various statutory requirements for smooth and efficient functioning of the corporate sector in the emerging globalization of Indian economy on the other. A list of procedure to be followed with respect to various sections of the Companies Act during the management of the affairs of the company is also given in the book. A list giving provisions contained in various sections which may result in offences and penalties is included so that such a precarious situation can be avoided.